石材分類=大理石, 写真横約=10cm
St. Florient Rose, Lioz Santo Florient岩石名:石灰岩 limestone
地質時代:中生代白亜紀 Upper Cenomanian
Lioz limestone
IUGS Geoheritage Stones- Lioz limestone
Carvalho, J., Manuppella, G., Moura, A.C. (1998) Contribution to the geological knowledge of the Portuguese Ornamental Limestones. Calcários Ornamentais Portugueses.
Carvalho, J., Manuppella, G., Moura, A.C. (2003) Portuguese Ornamental Limestones. International Symposium on Industrial Minerals and Building Stones, Istanbul, September 15-18.
Silva, C.M. (2017) Urban Geodiversity and Decorative Arts: the Curious Case of the BRudist Tiles^ of Lisbon (Portugal). Geoheritage, DOI 10.1007/s12371-017-0253-0
IUGS Geoheritage Stones- Lioz limestone
Carvalho, J., Manuppella, G., Moura, A.C. (1998) Contribution to the geological knowledge of the Portuguese Ornamental Limestones. Calcários Ornamentais Portugueses.
Carvalho, J., Manuppella, G., Moura, A.C. (2003) Portuguese Ornamental Limestones. International Symposium on Industrial Minerals and Building Stones, Istanbul, September 15-18.
Silva, C.M. (2017) Urban Geodiversity and Decorative Arts: the Curious Case of the BRudist Tiles^ of Lisbon (Portugal). Geoheritage, DOI 10.1007/s12371-017-0253-0